Saturday, September 24, 2016
Kreasi Dari Barang Bekas
Beberapa ide yang akan aku share ini mungkin bisa menjadi inspirasi memanfaatkan kembali barang-barang bekas menjadi sesuatu yang berguna kembali.
1. Wall Art Gulungan Tisu Toilet

Wall art yang indah ini dibuat dari gulungan tisu toilet bekas. Cara membuatnya juga gampang.
Gunting, lem, penjepit rambut, pewarna metal, dan beberapa gulungan tisu toilet bekas.
Cara membuat:
Ikuti langkah-langkah seperti gambar di bawah.
Jreng, jreng, jreng.. Tembok rumah Anda sekarang memiliki Wall Art yang indah!
2. Lampu Kotak Minuman Bekas
Lampu dari kotak minuman bekas ini bentuknya cantik banget, loh! Cara membuatnya juga nggak terlalu susah, tapi butuh kesabaran dan ketelitian.
kotak minuman bekas dalam jumlah banyak, lem atau perekat, jepretan, dll.
Cara membuat:
Kumpulkan kotak minuman bekas, kemudian buka kotaknya, lebarkan dan cuci hingga bersih dan keringkan, agar bersih. Kemudian gunting menjadi bagian-bagian yang lebih kecil dan bentuklah segitiga. Satu kotak dapat menghasilkan beberapa segitiga.
Susunlah segitiga-segitiga tersebut menjadi bentuk hexagon atau pentagon, gunakan perekat atau jepretan untuk menyatukan sehingga lebih kuat.
Kemudian bentuk-bentuk hexagon dan pentagon ini nantinya disatukan membentuk sebuah bola. Bentuk bola inilah yang nantinya menjadi hiasan lampu, untuk itu buatlah pengait atau tali agar nantinya bola ini dapat digantungkan.
Jika semua sudah selesai, gantung hiasan ini di tempat yang anda suka, Jangan lupa, sebelum digantung, taruh lampu di dalam hiasan.
Ketika lampu menyala, maka akan menghasilkan bayangan yang unik. Anda dapat menambahkan hiasan lain untuk mempercantiknya.
3. Vas/Pot Bohlam
Bohlam bening bekas pun dapat dijadikan sebagai vas/pot bunga mini untuk mempercantik ruangan.
Caranya bisa dilihat lewat gambar di bawah ini:
4. Lampu Sendok Plastik
Lampu dari sendok plastik ini tak kalah cantiknya dari lampu kotak minuman bekas.
Botol minuman plastik, ratusan sendok plastik, lem tembak, cutter, tang potong, lampu hemat energi dan beberapa meter kabel sesuai keperluan.
Cara membuat:
Ikuti langkah-langkahnya sesuai gambar diatas.
5. Tas Pop Tabs
Tas cantik ini terbuat dari pop tabs (tombol pembuka pada minuman kaleng). Proses pembuatannya sedikit lebih ribet dan susah.
Tang potong, pelepas staples, kunci tua, dan pop tabs (paling tidak anda membutuhkan ratusan untuk membuat sebuah tas).
Cara membuat:
Ikuti instruksi di gambar
6. Vas dan Tempat Lilin
Vas dan tempat lilin yang indah ini dibuat dari sebuah mangkuk bekas makanan kaleng dan beberapa penjepit untuk jemuran,
Mangkuk bekas makanan kaleng, penjepit jemuran
Cara membuat:
Ikuti seperti langkah pada gambar dibawah ini:
**dari berbagai sumber
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Pot Bunga dari Bohlam Bekas
Bohlam (bening) bekas ternyata bisa dimanfaatkan kembali untuk dijadikan pot bunga mini. Berikut caranya:
Pertama, pecahkan dulu ekor bohlamnya untuk mencopot bagian isi bohlam tersebut.
Lalu, bersihkan bagian kawat pijarnya perlahan agar bohlamnya tidak pecah. Kemudian bilas dengan air untuk membersihkan pecahan ekor dan bagian isinya.
Setelah bohlam bersih, masukkan air dan tanaman hias. Gunakan kawat untuk menopang lampunya,
Menarik bukan?
Bohlam bekas yang telah dibersihkan, bisa juga diisi dengan air berwarna dan dibuat seperti pot bunga mini diatas atau dapat di gantung di sudut ruangan. Selain itu, bisa juga dibuat menjadi akuarium mini.
Jika ada ide lain, silahkan berbagi disini^^
**Dari berbagai sumber
Monday, July 25, 2016
Manfaat Lain Kosmetik Kadaluarsa
Gambar diatas adalah beberapa jenis kosmetik milikku yang udah kadaluarsa tapi isinya masih ada/banyak. Dibuang, kok rasanya sayang. Akhirnya kosmetik tersebut tetap ku simpan aja tapi bukan buat dipake ke badan lagi, melainkan untuk dipake buat hal lain.
Body Lotion
Body lotion kadaluarsa biasanya aku gunakan untuk membersihkan kaca. Caranya, oleskan body lotion ke kaca yang kotor, gosok hingga bersih lalu dilap dengan koran/kain hingga bersih. Body lotion kadaluarsa bisa digunakan juga untuk membersihkan sepatu, tas, sarung tangan, jaket dan mantel dari bahan kulit. Caranya, usapkan body lotion ke bagian yang kotor, gosok-gosok hingga kotoran terangkat dan bersihkan dengan kapas/kain hingga bersih.
Biasanya aku menggunakan toner kadaluarsa untuk membersihkan kaca atau lantai keramik. Toner kadaluarsa bisa juga digunakan untuk membersihkan tas kulit yang berdebu.
Parfum yang telah kadaluarsa dapat dijadikan sebagai pembersih kaca dan lantai keramik.
Body Lotion
Body lotion kadaluarsa biasanya aku gunakan untuk membersihkan kaca. Caranya, oleskan body lotion ke kaca yang kotor, gosok hingga bersih lalu dilap dengan koran/kain hingga bersih. Body lotion kadaluarsa bisa digunakan juga untuk membersihkan sepatu, tas, sarung tangan, jaket dan mantel dari bahan kulit. Caranya, usapkan body lotion ke bagian yang kotor, gosok-gosok hingga kotoran terangkat dan bersihkan dengan kapas/kain hingga bersih.
Biasanya aku menggunakan toner kadaluarsa untuk membersihkan kaca atau lantai keramik. Toner kadaluarsa bisa juga digunakan untuk membersihkan tas kulit yang berdebu.
Parfum yang telah kadaluarsa dapat dijadikan sebagai pembersih kaca dan lantai keramik.
Punya ide lain? Silahkan share disini^^
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Japanese Slang
Since I like so much watching dorama, movie or anime and listening to japanese music, I also learn Japanese language autodidact. And of course I find so many japanese slang which most of these phrases are used extensively in daily life. Note that some of them are very rude. Here they are:
ABAYO >> Informal term for "good bye", this is not considered a polite way to say goodbye.
ABUNE >> Slang, this is an exclamation take from "abunai". It is used as in, "That was close!!!"
ACHI ITTE >> Impolite phrase meaning "go over there!" which of course means that you should "go away!"
ACHI KAERE >> Impolite phrase meaning "go back over there, far away". This is a very direct way of saying "go away!".
AHONDARA >> Slang, insult, related to "aho" but much stronger.
AH SO >> Informal phrase which means "Oh, I see...", but I would avoid using this phrase as a "gaijin" because it may have been over-used by American movie studios as a stereo-typical Japanese thing to say. I think that I have read somewhere that it may even be offensive to some Japanese people.
AKUMABITO >> Informal term for "demon" or "spirit". The first "A" is not clearly pronounced. "Akuma" means devil or demon, and "bito" refers to a person (HITO). The "H" in HITO changes to "B" after certain vowels.
AMAI >> Informal term meaning "gullible" or "someone who is a real sap".
APO >> Informal term referring to "an appointment for a date".
Aitsu-(あいつ) - A very impolite way to say "that person" or "that guy over there". Sometimes it's used in groups of friends(usually boys) to refer to anyone out of the range of their voice.
Ano..-(あの。。) - A term used a lot like the English "umm...". Used to soften when making requests. Informal word which can mean "that thing over there", but the slang meaning is more commonly "Uhhh..." or "Well..." and is used a lot in colloquial speech at the start of a sentence or between sentences just like we use "Uhhh.." to slow down the conversation so we can think.
Are-(あれ) - Literally means "that" (and implies mutual understanding and knowledge), but depending on the context can refer to sexual activities or parts.
Are?! -(あれ) - Used like the English "huh?!" in a moment of surprise. Can also be used as a general "huh?" when confused. Used for exclamation such as : "Oh my !" "WTF?" etc.
Asoko-(あそこ) - Literally meaning "there" (and implies mutual understanding and knowledge) but depending on the context can refer to the sexual organs.
Atashi-(あたし) - A contracted form of "Watashi" that is commonly used by girls to say "I"
BECHA BECHA >> Slang used to describe a "chatterbox" or a really noisey converation (see PECHA KUCHA)
BIJIN >> Informal term meaning "beautiful woman" but actually is closer to "hot babe!"
BISHONEN >> Informal term for "hunk" or "cute guy"
BOKE >> Impolite term meaning "knuckle head"
BONKURA >> Slang, insult, referring to your intelligence such as, "dimwit" or "dumbass"
BOROI >> Slang, refers to something that is "old" or "worn out". Also see BORO BORO . Also, Slang for "making easy money" or "making money dishonestly"
BORO BORO >> Informal, refers to something that is "old" or "worn out". Also see BOROI.
BOZU >> Informal term for "kid" and is kind of like saying "Hey squirt!".
BURU HAIRU >> An expression used when things aren't going right
BURU SERA >> You may need to know this, if you are a perv.......This is a business which sells uniforms (usually for school girls )
BUSAIKU >> Slang, insult, refers to someone's appearance such as, "pretty damn UGLY!!!" (Thanks to Aussie boy)
Baba-(ばば) - An insulting way to say old lady. Pops up often in anime and television shows. It is almost always used in a ironic manner.
Baito-(バイト) - Slang for "Arubaito" which is the Japanese adopted term for "part-time job". Comes from the German "Arbeit".
Baka-(ばか) - An insult in the line of "stupid" or "idiot". In Kansai it is taken very seriously, but in Tokyo is more of a friendly insult (whereas aho is more of a serious insult).
Betsuni-(別に) - A phrase used like the English "not really" or "nothing". It can be used as a response to such questions as "Do you want to go?" or "Is it important to you?" (Be careful though) "Betsu" by itself means separate, and can also be used in that sense. It can be used as a response to such questions as "Do you want to go?" or "Is it important to you?" (Be careful though)
CHARA CHARA >> Slang for something that is too flashy in terms of style, or refers to person who blatantly flirts.
CHAU CHAU >> Informal way of saying CHIGAIMASU which means "wrong" or "it's something different (from what you think)". This phrase comes from the Osaka dialect. Can be said once or twice depending on the tone or emphasis.
CHE >> Exclamation used to express disgust. It's kinda like saying "shiiit!"
CHINKE >> Slang, refers to something "cheap" and of "poor quality".
CHOBERIBA >> Informal term which means "extremely bad". CHO means "extremely", and the BERIBA actually comes from and sounds like "very bad".
CHOBERIGU >> Informal term which means "extremely good". CHO means "extremely", and the BERIGU actually comes from and sounds like "very good". This may now be heard as CHOBEGU.
CHOUSHI HA DOU DESU KA? >> This is how you say : " How are you (feeling) ? "
Chibi-debu - a short fat person
Chikusho-(ちくしょ) - A basic Japanese equivalent of "Damn it!". Used in times of frustration or failure.
Choudai-(ちょうだい) -A friend to friend way of saying "can you do it for me?/give it to me?"
Chotto ii?-(ちょっといい?) - A very soft way to precede a question (with friends or close acquaintances). Basically means "Can I have a second?" (to ask something)
Chou~(超) - A prefix that means somewhere along the line of "Super" or "really" as in "Chousugoi!" (Super Cool!)
Chotto Matte-(ちょっと待って) - A colloquial and friendly way of saying "Can you wait for a second?". A lot like "Wait a sec." Take out the "Chotto" to make it more urgent. Informal phrase which means "wait a minute" or "excuse me a bit" and can vary according to the tone you use all the way up to "wait a damn minute!".
DABO >> Slang, insult referring to your intelligence, like "complete idiot" (Thanks to Mamingazetto)
DAI >> Colloquial for DESU KA example: Nan dai? = Nan desu ka?
DASAI >> Exclamation used to express disgust about something totally uncool.
DE >> Informal term that can have many meanings, but the slang usage is at the beginning of a sentence. When a person starts a sentence with DE, it is more of an interjection, and it's meaning is more like "So....(anyway)..."
DATTARA >> Informal phrase which means "if that is so..." and can be used as in "so?"
DO- >> Colloquial prefix, used to add emphasis to words such as "total" or "absolute" such as "Do-Aho!"
DO ITTA >> Informal phrase which means "move out of the way" but is basically a way of saying "move it!"
DOUKA >> This is used at the beginning of a request. It is close in translation to "Would you please....." EX: Douka...shashin o misete kudasai yo!
DO KASHITEIRU >> Informal phrase which means "Are you o.k.? (you seem kinda out of it)"
DOKE >> Informal term used to say "get out of the way!". It is a slang version of the word DOKERU.
-DONO >> Suffix added to names like "-san" to make it more polite, but "-dono" is more like "Mr." In TENCHI MUYO, Washu addresses Tenchi as "Tenchi Dono" very often and she is just being extra respectul to Tenchi by calling him "Mr. Tenchi".
DOSE >> Informal word used to express "Anyway......." in a somewhat negative way, or used in a sentence to express doubt like when you user the word "afterall". EXAMPLE: Afterall (doose) can't be true you know.
DORE DORE >> Informal phrase which loosely translates to, "Hello, what do we have here?" or "What's this?"
DORO DORO >> Informal term for something that is gooey or muddy, or something that is confusing. Consider the abstract concept of "muddiness". Also is used to imply that someone is not getting along with someone else.
DOSHITA >> Informal phrase which can mean "what's wrong?" or "what?" or is used to get a response, like when you say "well...?"
DOSHITA NO >> Informal phrase which can mean "what's wrong?" or "what happened?" and is mostly used to express concern. The NO at the end doesn't really change the meaning much, and is used in this case for emphasis.
Damare - shut up! i.e. damare kuso-jiji :)
Dame-(だめ) - A colloquial word for "no good", Informal term with many meanings. I can mean "no" or "it's bad" or "it's not possible" or "you can't do that" etc. etc. It is word that signals a "no" answer.
Dasai-(ダサい) - An exclamation for something very uncool. I heard it had some kind of connection with Saitama prefecture. Who knows...
Ee-(ええ)(Falling tone) - Used in conversation to acknowledge that you are listening (something important in Japanese conversation). Use liberally!
Eeee....-(エエ。。)(Rising tone) - Used to show disbelief in what someone is saying. "No, I really did get a new car!" "Eeeee...." (disbelief and excitement)
Eto-(えと) - Another Japanese way to say "Umm...." and is also used to soften up questions or requests. It is also common to make it longer as in "Ettoo....." to match the amount of puzzlement or thought. Interjection that is similar to "uhhh.." or "errr..." and can imply a phrase such as, "well, actually...."
Eroi-(エロい) - The Japanese word for perverted. It can be combined with other words to make combinations as is done in "ero-oyaji" or "eroguro" which means erotic grotesque, or something like that.
FUKERU >> To play hooky from school, or something. This word is very similar to saboru (Thanks to Sakura)
Faito!-(ファイト!) - A Japanese loan word translating to "Fight!" but used in the context of sports or competitions like the English "Do your best!". Often used like "Gambatte!". Loan word which refers to a fighting spirit, kinda like GAMBATTE and is said when you want to express that you must keep on going and hang in there.
GAKI >> Informal term meaning "brat" or "young punk"
GAMAN SHIRO >> This is a simple way of saying , "..Just deal with it"
GARUTACHI >> Informal term which roughly means "partners in crime" and refers to real hoodlums.
GE >> Exclamation meaning "yuck!" or "gross!"
GOCHA GOCHA SURU >> this means "to be confused"
GO KURO >> Informal phrase which means "good work" or "thanks for doing something that inconveniences you" and is short for the more polite GO KUROSAMA DESHITA.
GUZU >> Somebody who dawdles, wastes times, or goofs off.
GUZU GUZU >> Informal phrase which refers to something or someone that is lazy, or an action which happens slowly and lazily.
GYOGI GA WARUI >> Informal phrase which simply means "bad manners"
Gomen ne-(ごめんね) - An informal way of saying "I am sorry". Don't use this with superiors, teachers, etc.
HAI >> OK, this DOES NOT MEAN "yes", it means "I am paying attention, and I understand what you are saying"
HAMATTA >> Expresses that something was funny. (Thanks Boozemonkey)
HANASHI ARU sounds like HAH NAH SHEE AH RU. Informal phrase which means "I need to speak to you" although literally it means "a conversation exists".
HASSHIN sounds like HA SHEEN. Exclamation meaning "launch!".
HAZUI sounds like HAH ZEE. Informal term for "embarrassing" and is short for HAZUKASHII.
HE ? >> This is how you say, "Huh?" or "WTF?"
HETCHI >> This refers to anything or anyone that is perverted
HEKI >> informal expression that loosely translates as "No problem!" "It's ok!" "Forget about it!". ex: Daijobu desu ka? Heki da yo! (Is it a problem? No problem, it's ok!!)
HIDOI sounds like HEE DEH. Informal term meaning "terrible" or "horrible" or "grotesque"
HORA sounds like HO RAH. Informal term which kinda means "hey!" or "see?!" when you want to get somebody's attention. Related to KORA
Hara Heta-(腹へた) sounds like HAH REH TAH - A slang way to say "I'm hungry". Not too polite to older people. . Informal phrase which means "To be hungry" and literally translates as "My/your belly is in a bad condition".
Hidoi-(ひどい - Used for "it's really bad" or "you're mean!" and can also extend to "messy" and other related terms.
Hora-(ほら) - Means "Look!" or "See?". If lengthened to "Horrraaaa...." (with a descending tone) can mean "I told you so...."
ICHIO sounds like ITCHY OH. Informal term meaning "anyway...." or "well...." and can replace a direct answer with the meaning "Uhhh...kinda sorta...".
II DARO sounds like EE DAH ROH. Informal phrase meaning "it's a deal" or "it's o.k. with me" or "it's probably o.k.".
II JA NAI BETSU NI >> This expression is used to say "It's o.k.! I don't mind!" but if you use it when someone is being nosey, then it means, "It's none of your business anyhow!!!"
II KAMO SHIRENAI sounds like EE KAH MO SHEE NIGH. Colloquial phrase that is used to say that something is nice, good, or cool. II KAMO is used by itself alot to simply say something is cool. "Shirenai" is literally translated as "I dunno..." so it follows the polite way of expressing your thoughts by ending the phrase with an expression of doubt. (Thanks to Greg C. Sharp for this valuable bit of info!)
IJO NASHI sounds like EE JOE NIGH SHH. Informal phrase meaning "functioning normally". This is used a lot in futuristic anime in regards to equipment working normally. Literally means "without abnormallity" and replaces the English version "all systems normal".
IKEMEN >> Translates into something like "very handsome man" or "hot guy"
IKENAI sounds like EE KEH NIGH. Informal term meaning "something's wrong" or "it's no good" or "you can't do that" or "it wont work". It is very close to the word DAME and is short for IKEMASEN.
IKINARI >> This word means "suddenly" or "without notice" and is used to say that something was unexpected and usually not welcome. For instance, if somebody visits you without an invitation, that is the kind of feeling it expresses.
II KAGEN NI SHINASAI >> loosely translates as "don't be like that!" or "don't behave like that!" and is usually used to scold kids.
II ZO sounds like EEE ZO. Informal phrase meaning "ready!" or "let's go for it!"
II YO >> This means, "It's OK, don't worry about it !"
IKU ZE sounds like EE KU ZEH. Informal phrase meaning "let's go!"
IYA sounds like EE YAH. Exclamation meaning "no way!" or something like "that's terrible!"
Iyada-(イヤだ) - A phrase meaning "I don't want to do it" or "I don't want to see"(disgust or fear). Usually the "I" in the beginning is omitted or shortened so much it's hard to hear.
Iya-(いや) - An exclamation of disgust.
JIGEN sounds like GEE GHEN. Standard word for "dimension". It is commonly heard in anime when referring to an interdimensional tunnel which is called "JIGEN NO TUNERU"
JOUZU DESU NE ! >> OK, LISTEN CAREFULLY This is how you say, "My, you are pretty good at (English or Japanese)".......but if Japanese people say this to you, DONT LET IT GO TO YOUR HEAD OK? They are just being polite.
JUNBI O.K. DESU >> This is a very modern way of saying, "I'm ready!" And it really does use O.K. as in English.
Jaa Ne-(じゃあね) - An informal way of saying "see you later" Don't use it to teachers, bosses, and the like! Sometimes the "Ne" is changed to "Na" or even "Nya"(?!?) depending on the person. Foreigners will probably want to stick with "Ne" to avoid sounding stupid accidentally.
Jiji-(ジジ) - An insulting way to refer to an old man. Used more often in anime and television shows than real life.
Jouzu desune-(上手ですね) - This literally means "You're very good, aren't you?". The only reason it is mentioned is because even if you are actually not very good Japanese will often say this just to be nice. Don't get cocky.
KAN KAN sounds like KAHN KAHN. Slang which means "pissed off" or "going ballistic" or "enraged"
KEITA sounds like KAY TAH. Informal term for "cell phone"
KI GA TSUITA >> Informal phrase which translates as "to be awake" or "to be conscious" and also means "I just noticed something"
KIMOCHI WARUI sounds like KEE MO CHEE WAH RU EE. Informal phrase which means "feel sick" but is more often used to say "yuck!" or "gross!". I think that if you say "Kimochi GA warui" then it refers to how sick you feel.
KIMOI sounds like KEE MOY. Informal term for " feel sick" or "makes me feel sick", it is short for KIMOCHI WARUI.
KI NI SHINAI sounds like KEY KNEE SHEEN EYE. Informal phrase meaning "don't worry" or "no problem". "Ki ni suru" means, "To worry".
KIDOU sounds like KEY DOH. Informal term which means "start to function" or "be functional".
KISAMA sounds like KEY SAH MAH. Impolite term for "you" and will probably get you into a fight if you use it (in Japan). Literally means "your honorable self".
KISHOI sounds like KEY SHEH. Informal term for "gross" or "nasty".
KOCHI KOCHI sounds like KO CHEE KO CHEE. Slang meaning "this way!" or "over here!". It is short for KOCHIRA which is a polite way of saying "this way".
KOITSU sounds like KOYT-SUU. Informal term meaning "this thing" or "this dude/chic" and can be considered rude.
KON ~ >> This is the friendly and cool way to say "Konnichi ha " in a chatroom.
KON'ARO sounds like CON ARROW. Impolite term for "you bastard!". It is short for "kono yaro"
KONCHA >> Short for Konnichiwa and is very colloquial.
KONJYOYAKI >> Pressing a lit cigarette onto your own arm to prove you've got "konjyo" (guts) Thanks to Boozemonkey for this one.
KONO YARO sounds like KO NO YAH ROH. Impolite phrase meaning "you/that bastard!" even though "kono" refers to "this". ( see "YARO" )
KOSO KOSO sounds like KO SO KO SO. Onomotopoeia which describes a "sneaky" action or behavior.
KURE YO sounds like KUU REH YOH. Informal phrase meaning "please do this for me" and is literally closer to "wont'cha do this for me?" and can also be used as in "Gimmie!" (Thanks to Mamingazetto)
KORYA sounds like KO REE AH. Colloquial for KORE WA meaning "this"
KUSOTARE sounds like KUU SO TAH REH. Slang term which is easily translated to "shithead"
Kai-(かい) sounds like KIGH. - A colloquial way of saying "desu ka". Used mostly by men. Colloquial for DESU KA example: Nan kai? = Nan desu ka?
Keitai-(携帯) - Though not literally, in effect it means "cell phone". The longer version would be "Keitai Denwa".
Kimochi Warui-(気持ち悪い) - Literally meaning "bad feeling". This phrase can be used anywhere from feeling sick (stomach) to seeing something disgusting to seeing the creep down the street.
Kimoi-(キモイ) - The same meaning as kimochi warui, but more slang.
Ki ni shinaide-(気にしないで) - Means "Don't worry about it"
Koitsu-(こいつ) - A very impolite and confrontational way to say "This guy....". Also used often to refer to people you don't like once they cannot hear you anymore.
Kora-(コラ) sounds like KO RAH. - A term used to get someone's attention in a harsh manner. Roll the "r" for extra emphasis. Informal term meaning "hey!" or close to "listen here!" and is used to get someone's attention in a rough tone.
Kure-(くれ) - Colloquial for "Kudasai" (used at the end of a request). Gives a bit of a rough tone.
Kuso-(クソ) - The Japanese way of saying "Shit" and is used just like anywhere in the world. Actually a direct translation (so it can be used as a verb with suru). Doesn't have quite the negative overtone as its English counterpart.
Kyapi Kyapi Gyaru-(キャピキャピギャル) - Means bimbo but originally means "happy, happy girl."
MAA MO NAKU (NAI) sounds like MAH MOW NAH KOO. Colloquial usage which translates as "a short time" and more literally is "not even for a short amount of time". You can use it to describe that something happened a short while ago, or that something will happen shortly, or that something has been going on for only a short amount of time.
MAGURO = Slang, refers to a woman who is rather less than enthusiastic during sex. Like a "dead fish".
MAHO SHOJO sounds like MAH HO SHOW JOE. Informal term from anime which refers to a female character that has magical powers.
MAJI sounds like MAH GEE. Informal phrase that means "really?" or "are you serious?"
MAMA sounds like MAH MAH. Informal phrase meaning "calm down" or "there there". It is also used to refer to something that is "same as usual"
MANIAKU sounds like MAH NEE AKKU. Slang word referring to someone who is a know-it-all about a subject. It may be that this is a more positive term like an "otaku" is a know-it-all about anime. (Thanks to Balaji from India for this suggestion!)
MATA NE ! >> This is how you say, "See you later !"
MECHA >> Slang word added for emphasis, kinda like "Ultra-...." so you could say "Mecha muzukashi desu ne!" for "It's super difficult huh?!" (Thanks to Mina for this suggestion!)
MECHA KUCHA >> means "very" as in "pretty f**king good!"
MENDOI >> Informal term for "troublesome". It is short for MENDO KUSAI which literally means "stinks of trouble".
MISE MONO JA NAI YO ! >> Loosely means "what are you looking at buddy !?"
MUKATSUKU>> Informal term for "being irritated" or "pissed off"
MUKO >> Impolite term that literally means "opposite side" but it is used to refer to someone else who is causing you to be angry and you are totally against of. Also refers to something that you feel is not correct or unreasonable, Very close to "damn you!"
MUYO sounds like MUU YOH. Informal term that means "unnecessary." It is also used to say "(there is) no need" for something.
Maa-(マー)sounds like MAH. - An interjection used often between speaking for a break between parts."Sore wa, maa, yokattayo". It has the power to slightly dampen any sort of happy meaning in the sentence though it can be used solely as a filler as well. Colloquial interjection that closely translates as "well..." or "anyway..." and is included very often (I mean very often with some people) with no intended meaning.
Maa Ne...-(マーね) - Used when someone asks you a question and you have an answer that's bad so you don't really want to say. "How was the test?" "Maa ne..."
Majide-(マジで) - A very popular way to say "Really?", "No way!", etc. It is the slang version of "hontou ni" and often shortened to "Maji??"
Mazui-(まずい) sounds like MAH ZEE. - Literally used for food that doesn't taste good, it can also be applied to other things that just flat out aren't good. (like I lost the report I have to turn in to the teacher, or my friend just found out I lied to him). Informal term that refers to something that tastes terrible or something that sucks.
Mecha-(めちゃ) - Osaka-ben for "a lot", "extreme", "absurd", etc.
Mendokusai-(面倒くさい) - A normal word used for something that's "bothersome" or "annoying".
Muri Shinaide-(無理しないで) - A phrase basically meaning "Don't overwork yourself", "Don't kill yourself" or just "Take it easy".
Muzui-(ムズイ) sounds like MU ZEEH. - A contracted slang form of "Muzukashii" meaning "difficult". Combine with Chou for greater emphasis!.
NAMERU JA NAI sounds like NAH MEH RUU JAH NYE. Informalphrase which translates as "don't mess with me!" or "don't underestimate me!". It is usually said in an aggressive tone of voice.
NAME'N JA NE sounds like NAMEN JAH NEH. Informal phrase which is derived from NAMERU JA NAI ("don't mess with me")
NANCHATTE sounds like NAN CHA TEH. Slang term that is popular with young people, it is used in the same way that "...just kidding!" is. It basically lets you know that somebody is just fooling around jokingly, or being ironic about what they are talking about.
NAN DE sounds like NAN DEH. Colloquial term meaning "why?"
NANKA SA >> slangy term, can be used loosely as in "....oh the way.."
...NA NO DA sounds like NAH NO DAH. Colloquial quirk, and I'll go out on a ledge and say that it equals the words NO DESU and does not change the meaning of the sentence otherwise.
NANPA sounds like NAN PAH. Slang term meaning "pick up line" or "to try and pick someone up".
NANTE KOTO sounds like NAN TEH KO TO. Interjection which loosely translates to "Oh my gosh!" and more literally means "what an experience!"
NANTO KA sounds like NAN TOH KAH. Informal phrase that means, "Somehow...". It is usually use in the phrase, "Nanto ka na....." which is usually used when trying to say," I guess I'll figure it out somehow...." or "I guess I'm not sure how it will work out".
NARUHODO >> When you are speaking or chatting with a Japanese person, say this often so they know you are still listening.
NE sounds like NEH. Informal interjection with many uses. It can mean "right?" or "isn't it" or "hey!"
-NECHAN sounds like NEH CHAH NN. Informal suffix added to girl's names to add respect but it doesn't add formality. It refers to an older sister but the person doesn't have to actually be related. This is used alot in Tenchi Muyo by Sasami.
-NICHAN sounds like KNEE CHAH NN. Informal suffix added to boy's names to add respect but it doesn't add formality. It refers to an older brother but the person doesn't have to actually be related. This is used alot inTenchi Muyo by Sasami.
NYAKO sounds like NEE AH KO. Informal term for "kitty cat"
NYUUYOKU >> This means "take a bath" and is used as a pun because it sounds like the Japanese word for New York. Get it?
Nani Utten No?-(何売ってんの) - Osaka-ben for "what the hell are you saying?"
Nanka-(何か) - Shortened form of "Nanika" which means "something",
Nanpa-(ナンパ) - flirt, scam, scope, skirt chaser, etc...
Ne-(ね) - A Japanese particle that's asks for agreement as in the English phrase "....isn't it?". It's also used (most often by girls) to get other people's attention as in "Ne,ne...!"
OBOETE OKE sounds like OH BOY TOH KEH. Colloquial phrase which roughly translates as "Remember this!" (Thanks to Greg C. Sharp for this definition). For further clarification, I will add that "OKE" comes from "OKU" which means "to put" or "to place" or "to keep", in other words, OBOETE OKE means that you should take whatever information is being given to you and you better keep it in your thoughts.
OFKAI sounds like AH HH KIGH. Informalinternet term which refers to meeting an internet acquaintance in person, face to face. (replace the "f" sound with an "h" sound)
OHA sounds like OH HAH. Exclamatory phrase for "good morning". Very short for OHAYO GOZAIMASU.
OHISA~ >> This is the cool and friendly way to say, "Long time no see" and it is short for "O-hisashiburi desu ne"
OITOMA >> very common expressed used to say " I gotta go now!!!"
OMAKE sounds like OH MAH KEH. Slang for "bonus" but is also an informal term for "defeat" or "loss".
OMATA sounds like OH MAH TAH. Informal phrase which means "sorry to keep you waiting" and is short for the more polite OMATASE SHIMASHITA.
OMOROI -Slang, short for omoshiroi
ONIGIRI I think it sounds like OH NEE GEE LEE. Standard word which means "wrapped" but refers to a very common rice treat. Just in case you didn't know, this is what you call the little rice cakes that you see kids eating in most anime. They look like little white turnovers and are made of rice and maybe a little stuffing inside, usually pickled plum. Sometimes they have a little piece of seaweed on the outside. This may be called "MUSUBI" or "OMUSUBI" which means "tied up". By the way, in some Pokemon episodes, onigiri is referred to as "donuts" which they obviously are not.
ONORE sounds like OH NO REH. Impolite term referring to "one's self" but is being sarcastic in a way that makes the listener angry. It's like "KISAMA" means "your honorable self" but is actually making a snide remark. (Thanks to Mamingazetto)
O SAKI NI sounds like OH SAH KEY KNEE. Informal phrase used to say "excuse me for going ahead of you". It is a short way to say "Saki ni, shitsurei shimasu" which means, "I am being rude for going ahead/before you".
OSSU sounds like OSSS. Slang term meaning "good morning". It is the very first and last part of "ohayo gozaimasu".
Oi-(オイ) - An informal way (and sometimes impolite) way to get someones attention. A lot like the English "Hey!", but a bit less polite.
Omae-(お前) sounds like OH MAH YEH. - An informal term for "you". Though once considered extremely well-mannered, it's modern day version is definitely regarded as impolite. Use only to your close friends (or enemies at your own risk), and even then you have to be careful on the type of person your friend is. On the other hand, it is used often in martial arts and like things by higher ranked members/teachers to their kouhai or students. It is uncommon, but occassionally used, by girls. Informal term for "you". This is not a term you use to speak to people you respect.
Omata(se)-(お待たせ) - A shortened version of "Omatase shimashita" which roughly translates to "thanks for waiting".
Osu-(オス) - An informal way of greeting someone (usually used with friends). Japanese doesn't really have a set word to use instead of "konnichiwa" for hello, but this one is pretty good. Can be used for pretty much anything in the Karate world.
PAKURU >> Slang meaning to steal something, or to steal someone's idea (related to PAKURI) Thanks to Chicken dance for this one.
PECHA KUCHA >> This is the most commonly used term for someone who talks alot, a real "chatterbox"
PIN PON sounds like PEEN PON. Onomatopoeia which means "ding!" as in "ding! you're right!"
PURA MODERU sounds like PRUH MODURUH. Informal term for "plastic model". the PURA- is from PURASUCHIKKU which means "plastic".
PURI PURI >> This is used to describe somebody's mood that seems to be grouchy or moody.
Rakki (ラッキ) sounds like RAH KEY. - The Japanese way of saying "Lucky" and can be used without any other words to express happiness/luckiness. It is used to express that something really "cool" just happened that makes you feel "lucky".
Ryoukai (了解) sounds like YO KIGH. - A colloquial way to say "wakarimashita" or "I understood". Has kind of a military-like tone similar to the phrases "Got it!" or "Roger!". Informal term meaning "roger!" as used in military radio communications. The "R" is rarely noticeable. The literal translation is, "agreement" or "understanding". The word "YOKAI" is standard for "ghosts" or "phantoms".
SABISU sounds like SAH BIS. Loan word meaning "service" but when you hear it used in anime, usually at the end credits or previews, it refers to "fan service" which means that the current video or the next video in the series will include bonus scenes or artwork.
SADO sounds like SAW DOH. Informal term which means "operational" or "to operate" in terms of operating equipment. Also, Slang, this meaning refers to a "sadist" or "S&M" in general. (Thanks to Ahondara).
SAIKIN DOU ? >> This is how you say "Hows it goin lately ?" This is for people you know already.
SAIKO sounds like PSYCHO. Slang word meaning "the best" or "the coolest!" or "awesome!"
SAITE sounds like SIGH TEH. Slang word meaning "the worst" or "it's the pits" or "crappy".
SA'NARA sounds like SAH NAH RAH. Colloquial term that is short for SAYONARA.
SASUGA sounds like SAS GAH. Informal term, (not slang, but is used a lot in anime so I'll include it) This is used to say that, "(somebody) did something good, or they did a good job, just as you would expect"
SAYO sounds like SAH YO. Interjection meaning "it's true" and is another way of saying SO KA if you use the words SAYO KA.
SHAKUHACHI = Slang, literal meaning is a "bamboo flute or clarinet" but is used to refer to "oral sex given to a man" (Thanks to Honen)
SHIKKARI SHITE sounds like SHEEKAH REESH TEH. Informal phrase meaning "be strong" or "get a hold of yourself" or "be confident".
SHINAI sounds like SHE NIGH. Informal word which usually means "don't do" but actually in some uses, possibly more by women, it simply replaces NAI which means "none or no". You mostly have to figure this out by using the context of what is being said.
SHISHI-ODOSHI >> Standard term for the common garden water fountain that is made out of bamboo seen in many anime movies. It means "deer scarer". This is the thing that makes that "clack" sound.
SHOCK >> Loan word used to express "shock" or disbelief.
SHOGANAI DARO sounds like SHOW GAH NIGH DAH ROH. Informal phrase that expresses the feeling that something is hopeless and you might as well stop resisting and just go along with it. It is like saying, "OH, what's the use...?"
SHOKIN KASEGI sounds like SHOW KEEN KAH SEH GEEH. Informal phrase meaning "bounty hunting". SHOKIN is "reward" and KASEGI is "earnings".
SHOKIN KUBI NI sounds like SHOW KEEN KUU BEE KNEE. Informalphrase meaning "bounty" or "reward". KUBI is "neck" so it means that "there is a reward in your neck".
SHUSSE HARAI sounds like SHOE SEH HA RYE. Informal phrase meaning "success payment". It is used to indicate that you want to buy something on credit. It is normally used as in "I'll pay you when I score big!".
SHINAKUCHA >> Colloquial usage, short for "shinakereba naranai" which means "must" (Thanks to Ario Wibowo)
SO DESU NE sounds like SO DEZ NEH. Informal phrase with many meanings. The first meaning can be "It is, isn't it?", another meaning can be "I see...", or "It seems to be that way" or "I think it's true (because of what I know from other people)". Also, you will hear this phrase a lot in television interviews, it seems to be a popular habit, and is probably a polite way of letting the other person know you are listening to them.
SO KA sounds like SO KAH. Informal phrase which can mean "really?" or "I see..."
SON'NA sounds like SO NAH. Interjection which means "no way!" or "that can't be!". This word is normally found in dictionaries, but doesn't seem to include this translation.
SORE GA, DOSHITA? sounds like SOREH GAH DOSH TAH. Informal phrase which translates as "so what?!"
SORO SORO.... >> This is a somewhat polite way to say "Umm....I gotta get goin ok? " The complete phrase is "Soro soro oitoma o....."
SO SO sounds like SOH SOH. Interjection usage translates as "Indeed!" "By the way!..." "Come to think of it!"
SUGE sounds like SUU GEH. Slang term meaning "cool!" or "awesome!". It is slang for SUGOI
SUKOSHI WARUI NO JA NAI sounds like SKOSH EE WAH RU EE NO JAH NIGH. Informalphrase which best translates as "not too shabby". Literally means "it's not a little bit bad"
SUMMAN sounds like SUU MAH. Informal term, short for SUMIMASEN. SUMIMASEN can mean "I'm sorry" or "thank you", but SUMMA is generally used to express regret.
Shikata ga nai(しかたがない) - Very similar to Shougainai in the meaning that "it can't be helped", I guess we have to do it. Used in dismay when the ripoff landlords make you pay "key money".
Shimatta (しまった) sounds like SHIH MAH TAH. - Another Japanese way of saying "Damn it" when you did something you didn't mean to.
Shoganai (しょうがない) - A very common phrase meaning "It can't be helped" or "I guess I just have to (do it)".
Shokku (ショック) - A Japanese way of saying "Shock" but with a bit different meaning. In Japanese shock is always a bad feeling and carries no good meaning whatsoever. You can think of it more like "I can't believe you lied to me" than "I can't believe you got me a new car!"
So(u) Da Ne-(そうだね) - An extremely common phrase meaning "It is, isn't it." For girls, "Sou ne" is more common.
Suge (スゲ) - A more informal way of saying "sugoi"
Sugoi-(すごい) - A very popular term meaning "cool!" or "wow!" or any other word in the line of "really good".
TAKO sounds like TACO. Informal term for "stupid jerk" with emphasis on the stupid. It literally means "octopus".
TAKU sounds like TAH KU. Slang term which closely means "damn it!", probably from the word MATTAKU.
TAKURU >> Slang which means to catch a taxi (Thanks to MacGyver)
TAOSU sounds like TAOS. Informal term for "drop" or "defeat" but slang usage means "kill"
TASHIKA NI sounds like TASH KAH KNEE. Informal phrase that means "certainly" or "without a doubt"
TEME sounds like TEH MEH. Informal and extremely rude way to say "you". Very popular word in anime. Using this word means you're looking for trouble.
TTE BA sounds like TEH BAH. Informal phrase ending used when you have to repeat yourself when you think someone is not listening to you. EXAMPLE: "Yamete! yamete tte ba!" "Stop! Stop! I said!" It took a long time to find out what this meant! It emphasizes that you just said something.
TTE KA >> very slangy phrase, and can be used for just about anything like....."you know....." "....oh yeah..." " the way...." "in other words"
-TTE KANJI sounds like TEH KAN GEE. Slang inserted in phrases or at the end of words to express "it's something like" or "you know what I mean....?" or ", you know...."
TTE YANDE sounds like TEH YAH NN DEH. Slang phrase used to express that what has just been said has made the listener angry. Related to YAGARU and -TTE YAGANDE.
TOKO sounds like TOH KOH. Slang for "male" "boy" or "man". It is used often enough in anime, but I haven't seen it in any dictionaries yet. It seems to be just a shortened word for "OTOKO".
TOMA sounds like TOH MAH. Informal expression which I am still looking into.
TOTTO TOTTO sounds like TOTO TOTO. Informal phrase meaning "oops! oops!" or "whoa! whoa!"
TSUBO NI HAITTA >> Expresses that something was funny (Thanks to Boozemonkey)
TSUKIATTE sounds like SKEE AH TEH. Informal term meaning "to date" or "to go out with".
TURE-SHON >> Slang which means to go to the bathroom with a friend(s) (Thanks to Mokuren)
Temee-(手前) - A rude and confrontational way to say "you".
UKETA >> Expresses that something was funny. (Thanks to Boozemonkey)
UNCHI >> Slang referring to anyone who sucks at sports. (Thanks to Chickendance)
URUSSE sounds like UH RUH SEH. Slang term that means "shut up!" and is related to URUSAI.
USANKUSAI sounds like UUH SAN KUH SIGH. Informal term which means "suspicious". Could come from USSO KUSAI which means "reeks of a lie". KUSAI by itself can be used to mean suspicious, and is similar to our use of "something smells funny about this".
USSE sounds like UUH SEH. Slang for URUSAI, this more often means "shut up!"
UZATTAI sounds like UUH ZA TEH. Impolite term related to URUSAI, but this more specifically refers to someone or something that is really obnoxious or troublesome.
Uruse(i)-(うるせ) - A more rude and slang word for "urusai"
Uzai-(ウザイ) - A term referring to someone or something that is "annoying" or "bothersome"
Uze-(うぜ) - A more rude and slang word for "Uzai".
WAKE sounds like WAH KEH. Informal word which means "reason, or meaning" This is one word which requires a little extra study. In some cases it is inserted just to express emphasis on what is being said. Be sure you study as many uses of this word because sometimes it changes what is being said completely.
WARI >> informal way of saying "sorry" and you may hear it more often as "Wari wari !"
WASHA >> Informal colloquial term which simply replaces WATASHI meaning "me" or "I".
Wagamama-(わがまま) - A term for a spoiled and/or selfish person.
YAGANDE sounds YAH GAN DEH. Slang for YAGARU NO DESU, YAGARU refers to something that causes contemptuous feelings, usually something that has been said. Basically, if you add YAGARU to a sentence, you are being a "bad ass".
YAGARU sounds like YAH GA ROO. Impolite term added to a sentence to convey contempt or insult.
YARE YARE sounds like YAH REH YAH REH. Exclamation that is close in meaning to "my goodness!"
YARO sounds like YAH ROH. Impolite term for "bastard!". It literally means "farm hand" which in Japan seems to be pretty bad.
YARU KA sounds like YAH RUU KAH. Informal phrase which roughly translates as "do you wanna piece of me?!" or "you want some?!" in an aggressive tone. Of course, in a romantic tone of voice, it can mean "do you want to have sex?"
YARU NA sounds like YAH RUU NAH. Informal phrase meaning "not bad". It is more often used in a fight when an opponent makes a skillful move.
YATSU sounds like YACHT SUU. Slang for "that person" or "that dude". It is not necessarily rude, and can be used in a familiar way. YATSURA is the plural form.
YATTSUKERU >> To knock someone out, but slang uses means to finish something up (Thanks to Miyagisan)
YAWA sounds like YAH WAH. Informal word for something that is "weak" or "whimpy" or "flimsy". It is not commonly written this way in many dictionaries, it is short for YAWARAKA.
YO >> Colloquial usage, besides the usage for emphasis, it can be used as a greeting such as "Hey!" (Thanks to RadicalNIGHTS)
YOROSHII sounds like YO ROH SHEE. Slang for "alright!" or "O.K!"
YOROSHIKU TANOM sounds like YOH ROSH KU TAH NUM. Informal phrase which means "I have a favor to ask from you". It is short for YOROSHIKU TANOMIMASU.
YUPPA sounds like YUP PAH. Slang term for "yup" or "yeah".
Yabai-(ヤバい) - An exclamatory phrase with many different meanings. It can mean anywhere from "Woah!" to "Damn" to "Really Good!" and can also be used with another adjective like "Yabai Oishii" which means "Really Delicious!"
Yabei-(ヤベイ) sounds like YAH BYE or YAH BEH.- An even more slang-like way of saying "yabai". Informal term for "Oh shit!" or "I blew it!" or "I'm in trouble!"
Yada-(ヤダ) sounds like YAH DAH. Slang term meaning "no" or "no way!"- See "Iyada (イヤだ)"
Yariman-(やりマン) - Meaning "slut/bimbo" when referring to a girl
Yaro-(やろ)-An impolite and confrontation insult for a person.
ZAKKENAYO sounds like ZAH KEN EYE YO. Exclamatory phrase that means "don't mess with me!" and is very harsh. It comes from the phrase FUZAKERU NAI YO.As you can see, it is just a shortened version of FUZAKERU. I have seen this term translated as "Don't F**K with me!" but I think that would depend more on the tone and the circumstances, because FUZAKERU is actually better translated as "fool around" or "joke around".
ZAMA MIRO sounds like ZAMA MEE ROH. Informal phrase meaning "serves you right!" or "you had it coming!" and can imply a "in your face!" type of comeback.
ZANNEN NAGARA sounds like ZAN NEN NAH GAH RAH. Colloquial phrase used to express regret, such as sympathy when something bad has happened. It can also be used playfully such as "Nyah! Nyah! Too bad for you!"
ZEN IN sounds like ZAIN. Common phrase that means,"everyone" or "all the people mentioned". I have included this word because I could not find it anywhere spelled the way it sounded..... this is common as you probably know.
ZURAKARU ZE sounds like ZUU RAH KAH RUU ZEH. Exclamatory phrase meaning "let's scram!" or "let's get the hell outta here!"
Zannen-(ざんねん) - Meaning "it's a pity". Often used for taunts.
Zettai-(絶対) - A common word for "definitely", "absolutely", and the like.
Zurui-(ずるい) - Adjective used in a negative sense. Means something along the line of "sneaky" or "playing dirty". Expression used when someone thinks someone is playing dirty or unfair. The normal phrase is "Zurui shita !" which means, "You cheated !" or "You played dirty !"
Japanese Slang
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